Does God Exist?

23 05 2010

Here’s a question that we all flirt with occasionally? I’m certain that even devout followers of their own personal brand of God, still ask this question sometimes. Their faith is tested and then this question pops up. Over on Slashing Tongue there are some great discussions and one of them has sparked this post.

The answer, quite simply, is………Yes! Hallelujah lol.

Seriously though, God exists for millions of people and that’s all you need to know! This question is, of course, bogus and the real question is ‘do you believe?’


You know for me this question is really strange to answer, and I know why. Bizarrely, at some stages in my life, I’ve found myself praying, like you do sometimes; when you’re really down and cannot make sense of some madness or inner pain. (Shit maybe you don’t know what I mean and I’m kinda freaky!!)

What’s that all about hey?

Social and cultural programming in full effect my friends! It’s there hard wired into our circuitry, whether we like it or not.

By the way i love this image of God, It makes me feel nice and he seems wise and powerful; which is what i like in my Gods.

Now I’m not trying to rubbish religion, far from it. In fact I’m trying to make some sense of it; now I’m older I feel I can at least try.

Drachenlady made this point over on the Slashing Tongue blog the other day, it relates to the question of existence: “One of the oldest things is probably why we are here and what happens to a persons “soul” after death.
Most religions provide a relativly simple answer to that. A higher being created us and after dying a person ascends to another world”

If that’s a simple answer then I’m really dumb!! Is it simple to believe in such a story!!

I think i understand her point, believers choose this soft fluffy image of life and fear to deviate from this; crazy really isn’t it? If I choose not to believe in God (sorry G), then what do i have to fear?……… Mortality, that’s right, I don’t wanna die! Well don’t then, transcend into a wing-ed angel and sit on clouds, discussing colour schemes and the enrollment times for the ‘Guardian Angel’ course; that starts some date, way off in eternity!

Sorry, I’m mocking it and sending it up! I didn’t want to….Honest. But this is not a simple answer to the question of existence.

You ask most people ‘Where did Man came from?’ – Many will say, we are ancestors of the great Apes! Knowing that answer denies God his existence. The bible gave us the Adam and Eve story, which i love by the way; uncanny how deep this tale is! The author was a god man!

Men of science, I consider myself one, cannot believe in God as well, sorry it’s just plain confused and again it’s more down to cultural programming, than reason. Science and Nature are my God, evolution instead of Adam and Eve!! If you believe in God that’s fine, if it works for you great, that works for me too. Don’t start a fight over it though, because  that’s going against what this stuff’s about, right!

The bible was a great civilization tool, without it where would we be now? Actually I’d really like to be wherever that place is, my best guess is….Eden.

We can’t blame wars on religion, some would, but i don’t; i used to but i grew up! War is caused by people, who mobilize armies with the powerful leverage of religion, Holy wars, they’re the best wars! All of our leaders believe in God, they too understand the power of religion.

Holy Wars.....Batman!

The worlds religious leaders are strange people aren’t they, they take off the poor and adorn themselves in wealth and riches; don’t sound right to me. The Catholics are brilliant at this, they bestow so much guilt on their flock and damn them with fiery brimstone and Satan’s smelly socks!! These poor bastards are paying protection money, whilst their leaders build bigger banks and abuse their ……..position in the community (that’s a diplomatic way of putting it!).

Nah it ain’t for me.

However, Religion is good at bringing communities together in times of crisis or need, like Drachenlady also stated, it can help people get through the ravages of life. I’d suggest that when it suits us, we’re religious. That’s why we find God so much in later life, we’re feeling weak, vulnerable and fearful of death, it’s time to get religious; repent your sins and get some God in yer life!

Science and Nature are beautiful things, our creation has taken millions of years and natural laws tell me where I’m going after my death, to feed the bacteria and insects; giving my energy back to the Earth. Science understands that energy is not lost it just changes state, I’m a walking energy store and when i die I’ll fertilize the Earth and I’ll know i did good!

Respect and Peace


An Idea Worth Sharing

5 04 2010

I’d like to give you an idea or concept:  All humans are different and if we weren’t we’d be probably be extinct!!

We're all beautifully different

Race and religion are the most obvious differences amongst mankind, but even within our own race and religious tribe we all think differently. We’re all built differently, have our own differing skills and abilities.

It’s our differences that has made us the most resourceful species on the planet, i believe if we all looked, thought, felt, dressed, ate, drank, played, worked, learnt, hunt, built and loved the same; then we’d all be extinct the same.

Our diversity has lead to amazing evolutionary discoveries, without which we would not have learn to adapt to the constant change the human species has had thrust upon it! Our ability to survive and colonize the differing  and often harsh environments of the planet show an incredible level of adaptability and diversity, not enjoyed by many other of the planets’ species.

Instead of recoiling from diversity and cultural difference we should embrace it, our very survival as a species depends upon it!

Respect and Peace!
